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We are your voice. The Tennessee Wine & Spirits Retailers Association was founded to protect the interests of the independent package store owners of Tennessee. We represent more than 800+ liquor store owners across Tennessee, taking a powerful, cohesive stand that legislators and regulators cannot ignore.
The TWSRA serves as the advocate for the retail beverage industry by promoting legislation and regulations which will improve business methods and the economic climate of the industry, and by opposing that which might not best serve the public, the retailers, or the alcoholic beverage industry as a whole.
At TWSRA we recognize the importance of retailer and citizen to encourage a better relationship between our industry and the consumers of Tennessee . By doing this we elevate the reputation of the licensed beverage and increase the responsibility of our customers.
The TWSRA provides a means to foster a better understanding and cooperation among all members of the beverage alcohol industry throughout Tennessee from suppliers, distributors, and even competitors which have become more numerous.
We are your link to other industry information, legislative and regulatory.
By joining the TWSRA, you actively help our association represent the 700+ independent wine & spirits retailers across Tennessee. As a benefit, you receive emails and updates on important governance, regulations, and news.
Annual membership dues are $500. Members are also encouraged to make minimum contributions of $350 to the PAC, and $150 to the Legislative Fund.